***Thunderous Thursday Roll Call***

on 4/27/11 10:07 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Morning all - it's dark and blustery and pretty nasty looking here this morning - came through some rain and a bit of hail on the way in - don't think it's really doing anything right now.

My exciting evening last night consisted of

(a) fighting with the Hyundai dealership because they charged me to fix my driver's side window saying it was due to someone trying to break into my car - and me arguing back that it has been in for the same problem 3 times now - starting back in 2008 with the previous owner - ended up losing that one to the tune of $150 - sucks;

(b) stopped to fill up my Hyundai SUV to the tune of $62.00 - OUCH;

(c) got home to NO AIR CONDITIONING - OMG the house was miserable! Thank god for our neighbor, who is an electrician and knew right away it was a relay switch on the unit, and don't you know he had a spare on at his house?? I LOVE THAT MAN!! So he worked on it for about 1/2 hour and got it up and running, so today I'll be ordering a new switch to replace his and Saturday night we're taking him and his wife to dinner. He refuses monetary rewards but he can't refuse dinner!

So today I'm at work - nothing too exciting - all of mine was yesterday.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 4/27/11 10:12 pm
Good Cloudy Morning Pam and PA!

It is already looking like it is going to storm any minute....but that is NOT going to stop me!! I will be leaving soon to take child to school then off to the hospital to get my foot xrayed. It seems that I did something to it when I was roller skating last week. I did have one fall, but I didn't think it was a big deal until my heel started hurting. I thought it was my heel spur acting up. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and he said I definitely did something and I should get it xrayed ASAP! So, it will be an exciting day of waiting for me!! I hope I didn't brake a bone!! It would be just my luck if I did!!

After that the day is up in the air. I REALLY want to start Wii Zumba but with the heel hurting it is not happening! Once I find out what I did to it, I will go from there!! Pick up child from school, brownie meeting tonight, then home to relax and bed.

Wish me luck today! I think I will need it!!

Love to all, Beth

on 4/28/11 1:15 am
Beth, hope the heel issue is just a strain. I have had a couple of rounds with plantar fascitis (no fun) and still have to wear orthotics with most shoes. Let us know!
on 4/27/11 10:18 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Pammy and all of PA - Already having a morning.   Larry was home last night - and therefore we slept in the same bed AT the same time - wierd huh?  Anyway - on those mornings - he gets to sleep later than I do - so I have to be real careful with the alarm.  Turned it off when it first went on and guess what I did - what?!?!  You can't guess?!?!  Of course you can - went RIGHT back to sleep for 40 minutes.  oops!  Well, good thing I showered after the pool yesterday - because there was no time for THAT this morning.  Then I went to pack my food for the day - guess what I didn't do yesterday - What?!?!  You can't figure THAT out either?!?!  Well, it has to do with my laziness......well, THAT and actually being at home with Larry - who was supposed to go to a meeting and chose to stay with me - i did NOT get to the market.  I am a bad girl.  I have nothing in my house.  I actually left this morning with two cheese sticks in my bag - that is it - so NOT like me!  ugh!!!!!  I have no idea what to do for lunch.  I have a menu from a local place and will do my best to make it a good choice - but I am ready to kick myself.  I need a personal assistant just so I can sit around and do nothing....who wants THAT job?!?!

So - today - I am at school, thought about taking the day off, chose to come in.  Am overwhelmed here too!  I have papers and stuff everywhere....and now it is getting hot in the building and so do NOT feel like getting anything accomplished.  We are getting our new living room furniture today - so poor larry has to handle that all by himself because we both just sat down last night and watched a movie.  Oh well, after school I am headed home to get the food list and Molly and head to the market - YES I AM!  Depending on the weather and my energy level, I may go for a walk after that.  Larry is back to work tonight, so I will be home enjoying my new sofa!  And no doubt be ignoring the things that need to get done.  It's a gift!

Have a great day all!
on 4/27/11 11:47 pm - Doylestown, PA
Morning - quick check-in this morning before i run to meetings.

Had my physical yesterday, got my blood work drawn this morning.  Doc felt "nodule" on my thyroid so wants to see blood results and depending on them will send me for an ultrasound of the thyroid.  oh joy.  Just LOVE unexpected results at doc visits... like last week's "pre-glaucoma" diagnosis at the eye doc, even though my pressures have always been good.  WTF.

Anyway, I have a busy day today.

Cutting back on quantity and food choices both a bit today to get my head back in the game.

M1:  Muscle milk (no cheerios)
M2:  Activia
M3:  Quinoa and spinach bake
M4:  Pineapple
M5:  Probably a chicken breast or sushi (will be after my training appointment, so depends on what Wegmans has as a grab-and-go that looks good!)

Have a great day.

on 4/28/11 1:19 am - Croydon, PA
Oh, I hear ya about the doctor's visits.  I had mine this week and found my BP and weight up.  I was not happy, as you could tell from my other posts.  My blood work just came back and all was fine except I have low Vitamin D.    Here's my plan for the day:

B - HB egg, 1/2 bagel w/LF  veggie creamcheese
S - strawberries
L - subway turkey flatbread sandwich
S - pineapple
D - meatballs and mozzarella cheese in sauce, salad
S - banana

Walking home from the train station after work if it is not raining.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 4/28/11 1:49 am

The nodule is probably nothing, but definitely get it checked out! The drs found one on my thyroid before my surgery, went through cat scan and such. It was nothing! Turns out that there is a family history of this. It would have been nice for my brother to have told this to me BEFORE!!! Just sayin....

Hope all turns out ok...keep us updated!

Love, Beth

Sara E.
on 4/28/11 1:48 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Today is take you child to work day and I did just that.  He has been busy with a tour, CSI Restek (where they used chromatography to solve a ficticious staged murder), then they learned about polymers and made slime.  Now they are with our trainers (we have on on-site wellness team & facility) doing something...I will find out later.  Just after noon the parents have lunch with the kids in our atrium, a beautiful large room with skylights and a koi/goldfish pond & waterfall.  I took 1/2 day off and we are going to work out in the gym here for a couple of hours then do some shopping.  If the weather holds we may even take a little motorcycle ride.  Not too shabby, for a Thursday :)



Patricia R.
on 4/28/11 2:19 am - Perry, MI
Good Afternoon Pam,
I am running late in posting here.  I had to get some lab work, and X-rays this morning.  Now, I am getting ready to go to the dentist to get stitches out from having two teeth pulled last week.  Then, I am home to straighten up around here.  My son is coming to town this weekend to put in my air conditioner, and take me to the Phillies game for an early Mothers Day gift. 

That early Mothers Day gift caused a rift between my sister and me, because I committed to help her on Saturday, prior to knowing that Chris is coming in from New York.  I was originally supposed to help her with something for Special Olympics, which I thought she had other help with.  She got totally hostile about my change of plans.  I got her some back up help, and have not heard from her since. 

So, now, I am taking Utley to the kennel at PetSmart instead of leaving him with her.  I can't take her hostility, and don't want to be beholden to her anymore.  I leave for Michigan on Monday, and won't be bac****il the 12th.  It will cost me some, but I am going to get to see my granddaughter's first dance recital and spend Mothers Day with my daughter and the Munchkins.

I hate family drama, and especially hate being treated like dirt because I changed my plans. 

Have a good day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/11 4:33 am
Very late in the afternoon and here I am in work. Sa****ching the rain pour down listening to the thunder. This morning I paid bills and thought damn I hate doing that part of my life each month.

Last night I made dinner and then we jus****ched some TV plus made a beauty basker that I am donating to a friends fundraiser for his Dad's memory. Since we will be down the shore for the weekend we can not attend.

Been in an emotional funk and feel alone the last few days but will get through it.

Tonight need to drop off Scoot at the mechanics for inspection. Praying he needs ZERO work! Nothing like waiting till the last minute on my end.

Life is good! 
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